
Divine vigor feat 3.5
Divine vigor feat 3.5

In fact, the Warpriest depends almost entirely on its Domain for its class features instead of having a Paragon Path, the Warpriest gains class features stemming from their domain. From that point on, you get the same small handful of choices for later levels - except that your encounter powers are locked by domain while gaining new domain features at levels 5 and 10.

divine vigor feat 3.5

These domains also lock you into using a single set of at-will, utility, and encounter powers, with your only non-domain choice at level 1 being what daily you want. This is no sooner noticed than in the Channel Divinity feature all divine classes are provided: while most can use whatever power they want without concern about how it would fit any chosen domain, the Channel Divinity powers available to warpriests only offer a small few domains or demand worship of a specific deity. The chief issue with this (as with most Essentials classes) is that the issue of choice paralysis was counteracted with too few choices. The intent is to make a "simpler" version of the Cleric (which would be rebranded as the " Templar" in Dragon #399) for newbie players by abandoning the AEDU System.

divine vigor feat 3.5 divine vigor feat 3.5

Introduced in the Heroes of the Fallen Lands splatbook, the Warpriest is built on a Cleric chassis, and is described as a more martial branch of the faith than the standard cleric whilst not a full-fledged Paladin, it is more "smashy" than a typical cleric, relying on a combination of heavy armor and weapon's skill backed by divine magic this lets it dabble in Defender from its trademark Leader role. In Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, the Warpriest is one of several Variant Classes created for the Essentials lineup.

Divine vigor feat 3.5