Using this, one person can aim up, and one person can aim in a certain direction to get to far away destinations quickly.The Physics Gun is an advanced version of the standard Gravity Gun, exclusive to Garry's Mod. In multiplayer, if two people with gravity guns pick each other up they will start levitating and can fly by pointing in the desired direction, including up or down. Then, you can use an Uncrafting Table to make nether stars easily. In the ultimate pack and some others, you can craft multiple regular gravity guns, and build a Twilight Forest portal to be struck by lightning. This is confirmed to occur in the Direwolf20 pack however, this may not happen in other modpacks containing the Gravity gun mod.
If a player who doesn't have flying privileges (such as not being an operator and/or flying being disabled on the server) is picked up using the Gravity gun, they will be kicked from the server due to it thinking that the player was flying. The gravity gun however, will make the block stick to the wall. The Supercharged Gravity Gun also is different by the fact that if you launch a block at a wall, the block will bounce off the wall. This does work on spawners however, they will turn default into pig spawners. You do this by picking them up and dropping them while they are in the same block as a torch or a planted seed block. It is possible to use the gravity gun similarly to a silk touch pickaxe on certain blocks. will cause the creeper to explode upon contact (Creeper must be about 4-11 blocks away to explode on contact) However, this does not work when using the normal Gravity Gun unless edited in the config file. When using the Super Charged Gravity Gun and picking up a creeper, if you happen to shoot the creeper at the ground, mountain side, monster, etc. Another way to get hit by lightning is to activate a Division Sigil at an Enchanting Table at midnight. Some good ways to accomplish this are to create a Mystcraft age and add lots of "Charged" symbols, or get struck by certain types of bees, or activating a twilight portal. Another way to get the supercharged Gravity gun is to hold the regular one and get struck by lightning.